Track the delivery of your parcels
Last updated
Track the delivery of your parcels
Last updated
Glopal pulls tracking updates from couriers for any processed shipment in real-time and harmonises those events.
Implement our tracking API for automated notifications on all parcel movements.
Client username (set by Glopal)
Optional system username to enable separation of authentication credentials by integrated client system. (set by Glopal)
The authentication signature is created by using the concatenation of the login, the ‘@’ sign and the timestamp, transformed into a HMAC_256 signature using your secret access key.
The authentication timestamp must be a decimal numeric representing the current POSIX time, extended to microsecond accuracy. If the requesting system does not provide high-resolution time, it is advised to use a 6-digit random number. It is important to have the requesting system synchronised with a reliable time source (f.i. a stratum 2 NTP server) to avoid request rejection.