Organise and facilitate the courier pick-up
Last updated
Organise and facilitate the courier pick-up
Last updated
When parcels are ready for remittance to the courier, a close-out call can be made to notify Glopal with the list of parcels ready for shipping. Glopal produces a manifest and other consolidated shipping documents for the carrier, and activates tracking.
Client username (set by Glopal)
Optional system username to enable separation of authentication credentials by integrated client system. (set by Glopal)
The authentication signature is created by using the concatenation of the login, the ‘@’ sign and the timestamp, transformed into a HMAC_256 signature using your secret access key.
The authentication timestamp must be a decimal numeric representing the current POSIX time, extended to microsecond accuracy. If the requesting system does not provide high-resolution time, it is advised to use a 6-digit random number. It is important to have the requesting system synchronised with a reliable time source (f.i. a stratum 2 NTP server) to avoid request rejection.
Process closeout operation in asynchronous mode, default is false
Airway Bill number (Carrier tracking reference)
Process closeout operation without effect on packages, default is false
OMS order fulfillment identifier
OMS order fulfillment identifier
Merchant/Seller order reference
Merchant/Seller order reference
Pod entity (package grouping) identifier
Pod entity (package grouping) identifier
Merchant closeout reference
Merchant/Seller order reference
Merchant/Seller order reference
Warehouse Manament System package identifier
Warehouse Manament System package identifier