Label Generation
Translate an order into shipment parcel(s), and get in return the shipment label and documents
Last updated
Translate an order into shipment parcel(s), and get in return the shipment label and documents
Last updated
From Order to Shipment: An order of multiple products can be split into multiple fulfilments and parcels to maximise inventory usage and minimise delivery time. Glopal amends the original order and creates a new order entity per fulfilment and eventually parcel, and recomputes total landing costs separately for each entity.
Shipping Label Generation: Once the shipment entities are known, Glopal can prepare the shipping documents and request the shipping labels from its network of pre-integrated carriers.
Client username (set by Glopal)
Optional system username to enable separation of authentication credentials by integrated client system. (set by Glopal)
The authentication signature is created by using the concatenation of the login, the ‘@’ sign and the timestamp, transformed into a HMAC_256 signature using your secret access key.
The authentication timestamp must be a decimal numeric representing the current POSIX time, extended to microsecond accuracy. If the requesting system does not provide high-resolution time, it is advised to use a 6-digit random number. It is important to have the requesting system synchronised with a reliable time source (f.i. a stratum 2 NTP server) to avoid request rejection.