Last updated
Last updated
IMPORTANT NOTE: Installing the plug-in while not being registered as a Glopal merchant won't allow you to benefit from any of Glopal's e-commerce modules. If you wish to test Glopal's solution, please register here.
Download the latest version of our extension.
Unzip (decompress) the module archive file
Using your FTP software
Place the folder in your PrestaShop /modules folder
Connect to the BackOffice of your shop
Go to Back Office > Modules.
Locate the new module in the list, scrolling down if necessary.
In the row for the new module, click [Install].
Locate the module again. If necessary, click [Configure].
Once configuration is complete, be sure to test the module immediately to confirm that it functions as planned.
Please clear the cache by following next steps:
Connect to the BackOffice of your shop
Go to Back Office > Performance.
At the top click the [Clear cache] button.
Repeat Step 3. Install instructions