Prohibited Goods
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Based on destination country and the provided or determined HS code, Glopal checks any items against a list of maintained import prohibition rules, and flags any products that hit one or more rules as either warning or prohibited, such as:
P01: Absolutely prohibited
P02: Prohibited for China: Requires license/permit/certificate that is difficult to obtain
W0K: Warning for Australia: Pharmaceutical products. Subject to import approval from Department of Health
Maintained prohibition rules are based on national official websites and available carrier information, and in most cases manually linked to the affected commodity codes.
Prohibition checks are carried out during the calculation of total landed costs (opt-in). Alternatively, a dedicated API service allows the prohibition screening for products and full product catalogues for any maintained shipping route:
Client username (set by Glopal)
Optional system username to enable separation of authentication credentials by integrated client system. (set by Glopal)
The authentication signature is created by using the concatenation of the login, the ‘@’ sign and the timestamp, transformed into a HMAC_256 signature using your secret access key.
The authentication timestamp must be a decimal numeric representing the current POSIX time, extended to microsecond accuracy. If the requesting system does not provide high-resolution time, it is advised to use a 6-digit random number. It is important to have the requesting system synchronised with a reliable time source (f.i. a stratum 2 NTP server) to avoid request rejection.