Country selector
Country Selector Page
Glopal provides a hosted country selector page, adding a number of backlinks to optimize internal linking across localized sites and a domestic site to increase page popularity.
Country Selector Widget
In order to help the international shoppers navigate between the localized versions of your site, we will be adding a country selector drop-down to both the domestic and the translated pages. This will allow buyers to easily navigate between the sites and find the one that suits their needs best.
The country selector widget can be enabled on the domestic website and localized websites. The widget can be easily positioned in six predefined locations, or at the custom position.
Custom positioning
To have a widget at the custom position you need to provide a placeholder element in the page layout, assigning id="glopal_cs_position"
This element may look like this:
Custom styling
Build your own
It is also possible to integrate Glopal localized sites into the existing country selector widget, by taking site URLs from the Country Selector page or getting a machine-readable JSON file (Redirection API) with GeoIP recommendation.
Last updated